When the Body is not Willing

As difficult as it is to admit, I can’t go hard at it every single day anymore. I went hard at it yesterday. I stayed up too late last night for no good reason, didn’t sleep well and felt like you know what when I got up late this morning.

Pennie boxed up the orders from yesterday that needed to be shipped out today. They were ready by late morning. I went to the shop and worked on a pretty walnut bowl but it was lunch time before I got it finished. After lunch, I took the orders to the post office, ran a couple of errands then came home to my office downstairs. I put up a bowl on the websites and called it a day. I can do that, I’m retired.

I wish my body recovered as fast and completely as it used to but it doesn’t. Now I find things to do when I’m tired and sore that aren’t as taxing. Shop clean-up and organizing is an example. It’s a change of pace and I enjoy the results when I’m done.

The good news is that when the sun comes up tomorrow, I’ll be ready to go again, at some pace, but ready. I’m so thankful that I’m in a position to enjoy life, even with the limitations imposed on me by getting older. It really beats the alternative!

PS The log pile is unchanged but in my defense, it was raining this morning.


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